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Ideal for creative souls and melody makers alike, our platform stands as a genuine haven for independent artistry. We empower you with artistic liberty for your album releases, single tracks, creative mixtapes, and even personalized merchandise. All your creative output can be centralized and controlled here. You decide whether to allow downloads or limit it to streaming. Your content distribution is completely under your control - all without hidden charges. Engage with your followers in a clean, ad-free, and respectful atmosphere.

Experience superior, direct engagement with your fans. Sell your music directly, earn your deserved royalties from authentic plays, offer your branded merchandise, and monitor your progress effortlessly. We understand that creatives like you need a boundless space for innovation, hence, we don’t limit you with prohibitions, but rather enlighten you about possibilities. Join our platform and witness our commitment to artists of your caliber.

1. Kick-off your journey

- Pay-Per-Play Scheme. We offer two cents ($0.02) for every legitimate play. Forget about the complex calculations of streams or album plays. We simply pay every time your music is played. Full stop. You also enjoy the freedom to offer your music for free or set your desired price. No deductions whatsoever.

2 . Seamless Merchandise Sales

- For artists with an ever-growing fanbase, our platform, Disctopia, lets you sell merchandise without any upfront expenses. Disctopia provides straightforward print-on-demand drop shipping and warehouse fulfillment services, all synced with your artist profile page. Say goodbye to inventory hassles!

3 . Weekly Payments & Splits

- Disctopia goes beyond by splitting your commission-free earnings up to 100 ways - be it your manager, producer, sound engineer, or even your loving mother. After all, it's your hard-earned money and you deserve instant access. Unlike other content distributors, Disctopia processes payments on a weekly basis. Everyone gets their share with Disctopia.

4. Upload Your Music

- Sheer Talent. Raw Energy. Untamed Sound. We, as a platform serving creatives, celebrate the privilege of providing fans with a one-of-a-kind experience of raw, untamed, and unconventional talent. The artists we spotlight are the true harbingers of the future of music and creativity. We're thrilled to present their unique sound. Savor the premier showcase of content from some of the world's finest indie creatives.

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