Role player, vibe creator, and the perfect middle ground between R&B and rap are some words that you can use to describe the artist known as Yunte’.
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Role player, vibe creator, and the perfect middle ground between R&B and rap are some words that you can use to describe the artist known as Yunte’. His use of catchy wordplay and melodic instrumentals takes you to a vibe that you have never experienced before. His catalog is the Mona Lisa of R&B. Born Byron Edwards in 1996 to a single mother, Yunte’ had to grow up early as life experiences caused him to take unexpected turns. These experiences are the fuel that has inspired a multitude of projects from his 2020 debut EPs “Zodiac Tape” & “Scorpio Tape”, to the project that shows his versatility as both a rapper and singer in 2021’s “Lone Wolf”.

Yunte’ is an artist that appeals to all genres, but many began to believe that the RNB genre is his true lane with the release of the long-awaited 2022 EP “Toxicity”. His consistency in producing quality art is something that will set him apart for many years. Yunte’ says, “I don’t tend to put myself in a specific genre.. at the end of the day I make music that makes me feel good.” This is a knock on the versatile nature of the way that Yunte’ flows and creates his art. Singles like “Debbie”, “Role Player” and “Home Plate” shows the appeal that he has with the ladies and give listeners a peek into his actual lifestyle experiences… and it can only get better.

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Biography | Discography | Press Photos | Subscribe | Booking

Biography | Discography | Press Photos | Subscribe | Booking

Biography | Discography | Press Photos | Subscribe | Booking